domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Chuletilla: Expresando cantidades en inglés

Una de las cosas que más nos lían en inglés, es la expresión de cantidades. Y es que usaremos una u otra palabra dependiendo de si la frase es afirmativa o interrogavia, o si es positiva o negativa. 
En el Blog de English Tower, te traemos directamente desde nuestra Academia de Inglés en Valencia una explicación de 10 para que aprendas a expresar cantidad, con ejemplos para comprenderlo a la primera. Eso sí, en riguroso inglés:

Much / Many
'Much' and 'Many' are used in negative sentences and questions. 'Much' is used with uncountable nouns such as 'rice':
How much money have you got?
There isn't much rice left.
'Many' is used for countable nouns such as 'apples':
How many people came to the party?
There aren't many apples on the table.
A Lot Of / Lots Of
'A lot of' and 'lots of' can be used with both count and uncountable nouns. 'A lot of' and 'lots of' are used in positive sentences:
There is a lot of water in that jar.
He's got lots of friends in London.
(A) Little / (A) Few
'A little' and 'a few' indicate a quantity or number. Use 'a little' with uncountable nouns:
There is a little wine in that bottle. There is a little sugar in my coffee.
Use 'a few' with countable nouns.
He has a few friends in New York.
We bought a few sandwiches on our way to the park.
'Little' and 'few' indicate a limited quantity. Use 'little' with uncountable nouns:
I have little money to spend.
She found little time for work.
Use 'few' with countable nouns:
He has few students in his class. Jack finds few reasons to stay.

Si te ha gustado nuestra explicación y quieres aprender más, apúntate a nuestros cursos en nuestra academia de Campanar (valencia). Pide info en administració

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Presente simple y presente contínuo

Una de las cosas que suelen generar confusión es el uso del presente simple y el presente compuesto; el simple se usa para hablar de algo que tiene lugar de manera regular, mientras que el contínuo habla de algo que está ocurriendo en este preciso instante, o está planeado que ocurra en un futuro próximo. Directo desde nuestra academia de inglés en Valencia English Tower, os traemos la siguiente ayudita:

Present Simple
Use the present simple to talk about activities or routines which take place on a regular basis.
I often go jogging on Saturdays.
He usually has coffee for breakfast.
Present Continuous
Use the present continuous to speak about what is happening at the present moment in time, around the present moment, or for a future scheduled event.
We're working on the Smith account this month.
She's watching TV at the moment.
Stative Verbs
Stative verbs are verbs which express a state. Action verbs are verbs which express something a person does.
I hope to see you soon. (stative verb) He is cooking dinner at the moment. (action verb)
Stative verbs cannot be used in the continuous forms. Here is a list of common stative verbs:
think (opinion)